Our Team

At the core of our property management journey, you'll find Dicle and Charles Roberts – two individuals humbled by their shared passion. Dicle, a licensed architect, brings her love for mid-century modern design and a touch of magic to each property. Her blend of architectural finesse and real estate expertise in Hawaii truly enhances our offerings, striving for both comfort and beauty.

Charles Roberts, with over two decades in real estate, began his path alongside his father. Initially focusing on real estate appraisals, he later became a Realtor in Los Angeles, transitioned into mortgage lending and eventually taking on regional management roles across Ventura and Los Angeles counties and now the state of Hawaii and Guam.

Together, Dicle and Charles have ventured into property flipping, always learning. Their investments across California, Sedona, and Hawaii have been guided by a desire for meaningful spaces.

In property management, Charles draws from his background to assist homeowners, while Dicle lends each space a unique charm. With their collaboration, our property management embodies dedication, learning, and a shared commitment to crafting memorable guest experiences.